Monday, March 30, 2009

weekly habit review

This week I set out to continue replacing some of my worst habits with good ones. For some habits, this will be a quick turnover. Others will take a long time.

My last Habit Review was a week ago, in this post. Here's where I last left off:

Praying in the face of Stress/ AnxietyThe intent behind this prayer is to turn to God during times of anxiety or stress which would otherwise cause me to seek shelter in cigarettes, alcohol, lust, etc

Last review, this habit was: Improving.

Short term goal was: "I’ll pray before completing each task on my “To-Do” list, and thank God after I finish it. This week, I’ll consider the top 3 anxiety-causing things on my mind each day, and ask God for peace in them."

Did you accomplish your goal? Last week I was improving, this week started off well and ended poorly. The idea of prayer before doing something on my "to-do" list lasted as long as I was working off a "to-do" list. This was a few days. The last few days I've been hyper-focused on reading a new book, and researching stuff on the internet. I've strayed from a bunch of other habits, as we'll see, which got in the way of developing prayer.

How to stay in the fight this week: I will write my prayers on the bathroom mirror, and at least go over them when I'm brushing in the morning, and flossing at night. Brushing and shaving as a first thing has been consistent, and thus the strength of that habit will bolster this weak oneI will continue to pray about my To-do items, as I intent to start this week with a list.

No Swearing

Last review, this habit was: Improving.

Short term goal was: This week I will leave 15 minutes earlier than I’d need to in order to get to any given appointment. I will use the spare time to drive slowly, breathing deeply and enjoying the breeze.

Did you accomplish your goal? This week was a success in terms of serene driving. My attitude toward other drivers has definitely calmed down. Far fewer cusses are yelled out each day. I haven't been hitting 15 minutes spot on, but the spirit of the habit is being met mostly by choosing to listen to an audiobook or classical music. Being early to stuff is a whole other habit, and a great one, but that isn't the reason I'm leaving 15 minutes early. I did swear more at Florabama when I met up with my buddies and started drinking a little bit. This happened more and more as I drank. I didn't follow my drinking goal that night, but only had 3 small beers anyways before calling it a night.

What will you do to improve next week? Keep breathing deeply, and continue listening to classical or audiobook. I will also plan ahead and leave 10 minutes before necessary to be 5 minutes early to any meeting, in order to allow plenty of time to drive slowly and unwind while enjoying an audiobook in the car. I anticipate some trouble in New Orleans next weekend with my new buddies, and will have to be vigilant not to "fall back" into swearing when I'm drinking heavily with them. SHORT TERM GOALS: Do not swear at all, all week. Think of creative ways to express things without swearing. Stop thinking of swearing as an "ok" thing to do.


Last review, this habit was: Improving

Short term goal was: I need to get back into planning my meals for the week in order to solidify my morning and evening routines.

Did you accomplish your goal? Not at all. I didn't plan one meal. I didn't go shopping for any food besides a 12 pack of Schlitz. This didn't affect my hygiene habits at all though, but is still something I need to get on top of for fitness' sake.

What will you do to improve next week? I plan to continue to strengthen and mold my morning and evening routine. Certain elements therein have been gaining strength, and it's time to add in others. For the morning, I need to focus on saying my prayers. For the evening, I need to work on planning the next day.

Drinking with a Plan

Last review, this habit was: Not improving

Short term goal was: no alone drinking this week.

Did you accomplish your goal? I definitely improved this week. I drank a few beers at Tristan's house, and a few at the Florabama. I did imbibe the last few brews at my desk when I got back on friday night, but ended up hanging out with Brent, my roommate. The part I've been forgetting about is alternating between beer and water. This is key to pacing myself and not drinking anything too fast.

What will you do to improve this week? I'm going to buy a 12 pack and drink 2 beers a night, and focus on drinking water after each beer. This will prepare me for the weekend in New Orleans, when I'll be partying a lot.

Reading Well - Taking Notes, Quotes, and Summarizing What I read

Last review, this habit was: Static

Short term goal was: Create word doc for “The Case…” and also “Three Cups of Tea”. Read 30 pages on average of anything, each day.

Did you accomplish your goal?I can claim moderate success. I've been typing notes on everything I've been reading. This habit is really helping me learn and retain more information more.

What will you do to improve this week? Spend more time reading books outside, or in the living room. I need to get out of the office more, since the computer is such a distraction. It'd be helpful to find a time to read as a part of a routine.

Dedicating Internet Time

Last review, this habit was: NOT improving

Short term goal was: I will renew my efforts to plan time spent, aside from investing and blogging.

Did you accomplish your goal? Not really. I spent a shocking amount of time on the computer this past week. Most of what I'm reading, learning, and writing is on the computer. However, I haven't been keeping a "log" of everything I do on the internet. This is about the same as keeping a financial budget, which I think is unrealistic. The best thing to do is focus on scheduling my day, and sticking to it. If I have a block of free time and feel like watching youtube videos or studying technical analysis, that's OK as long as I get everything else done. This is a scheduling problem.

What will you do to improve this week? I need to work on sticking with my schedule better. This might be able to get done by splitting up my day: the first half is when I do all the stuff I need to on the computer: writing, investing, and watching some youtube videos. The second half will be other stuff like: working out, taking a walk, planning meals, cleaning the house, doing my daily reading.

Sleeping in too late

Last review, this habit was: improving

Short term goal was: I’m going to cut off all work and “To-Dos” at 22:00, and go to bed.

Did you accomplish your goal? This was a big failure. Worked the first few nights, then stopped. Even right now it's 12:10 am. I guess I tried to start one habit by starting another (going to bed early to get up early). I think one is certainly a prerequisite for the other, but perhaps the prerequisite should be the habit I'm trying to build.

What will you do to improve this week? I'm going to focus on getting to bed early as my "habit". The first goal toward this intermediate habit is: eat dinner at or before 1900 every night. Stop eating after that.

Bible Reading / Walking Daily

Last review, this habit was: improving

Short term goal was:  I’ll be doing my walk NLT 2130 on the nights of days I haven’t done one yet.

Did you accomplish your goal? I've spent some time in the bible, but haven't been doing it after workouts and not at 2130, either. This definitely should start to be a part of my routine, and I'm not sure how to get in fitted in the day at a fixed time. I'm going to go easy on myself this week, and take baby steps.

What will you do to improve this week? I will read at least one bible verse per day. Hopefully, I'll do much more than this, but I'd like to see consistency here in the easiest of goals before trying to do something overly ambitious. I need to find out if even this is possible.

Workout Daily

Last review, this habit was: improving

Short term goal was: Get fully back into P90X - Diet, weight recording, pictures, journalling, everything

Did you accomplish your goal? No.. I discussed mindset of habits here. I've been running each day, but not doing P90X. It's time to start that back up.

What will you do to improve this week? Monday - Friday will be full P90X workouts.

Daily Planning

Last review, this habit was: Improving

Short term goal was: Weekend : plan as much as possible for the week. Nightly: Revise, review, and request.

Did you accomplish your goal?Not particularly, but did pretty well. It's improving. The weekend routine has yet to manifest. That will come tomorrow.

What will you do to improve this week?Plan the week on monday. Go grocery shopping. Plan each next day the night before. Stick to the schedule.

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