Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How Hour

Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Self-control, Steadfastness, Godliness, Brotherly Affection, Love

The list of qualities above comes from 2 Peter Chapter 1, and really sum up the qualities I want for myself.

After reading that, I recalled the peer-ranking system at the Naval Academy and how we secretly gave each person one word of feedback. Someone might be "Industrious" or "Arrogant". Sometimes I got "abrasive" or "confrontational". I can work on the above qualities and pray for them. Maybe in the future those will be the words that most describe me and my life. 

A review on the week and how things are going with my developing habits and goals:

  • Listening to audiobooks or sermons in the car has definitely helped me calm down. Having a verse to look at reminding me to breathe and pray is helpful too. I've started to see a little bit of a change in my attitude and outlook while driving.

  • Constant prayer has been improving, but isn't natural and isn't occurring all the time yet. But it is getting better. I am turning to Christ at points of anxiety, temptation, and gloominess.

  • Leaving early on purpose has also changed my outlook and attitude while driving.

  • Planning the next day: While I don't adhere to the schedule all the time, it helps to review what I have to do, when, and then to try to think up when I can fit other things around those mandatory items. I plan to work-out and have a quiet time, instead of just waking up and going through my day, hoping to find the perfect time to do a workout on a whim. It takes these things out of my head as obligations, and gets them into a schedule. This way I can also focus better on what I'm doing, assured my good habits will be fulfilled in their due time.

  • Reading well : I've been enjoying going through "A Foreign Policy of Freedom" and reviewing my notes and the interesting passages therein. Going through key points a second time really helps to ingrain the information and concepts in my mind. This is going well, and I will keep doing it!

  • Working out each day has been tough to start, but I'm always glad after it's done.

  • I couldn't fall asleep last night! I ended up giving myself some extra sleep this morning (about an hour and a half). I'm not sure whether the cause was working out too late, drinking herbal tea too late, or just having too much on my mind. I was very tired, but couldn't sleep.

  • Planning the week: I haven't started this yet. I put down some mandatory events, but haven't done my work-out planning, my meal-planning, or fellowship time. This, I'll take care of today. 

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