Monday, March 23, 2009

How Hour 3/23/2009

I already have today planned out. I already broke today's plan. I'm back on track though.

"How Hour" is when I set aside time to reflect on my purpose and desires and then ask “how?” for attaining each one. I had come to a point in life where there was a constant list of things I wanted to become, habits I wanted to make or break, and goals I wanted to achieve, but never stopped to ask ‘HOW?’


By setting aside time, I look in the immediate and long-term, consider my desires, and consider what I need to do to materialize them. Sometimes I’ll sit and write a list of all those desires. Sometimes I’ll just write about the obstacles in getting to one of them.


“How Hour” has been the most profitable time spent during my day for the last year, when I’ve been able to have one. It is a goal and habit in itself and doesn’t come naturally.


Lately I’ve been asking “how?” outside of my normal how hours. The habit-setting, review, and effort has been outstanding and is achieving the same objective. My intent is to make habit setting, self-review, and asking “how?” a total mind-set and outlook on life, instead of just 45 minutes spent each morning. I want to keep journaling on my goals, results, and failures.


Today, I have a few short term goals:

  • Pray before completing any task on my to-do list, before and after. This is sortof like saying “grace”. This is meant to get me in the mindset of turning and submitting to God before going through with a decision. Appealing to Christ shows I know that ultimately He is in control, and I (hopefully) am doing my best to serve and glorify Him.

  • Leave 15 minutes earlier than usual for any appointment or meeting. This is to let me change my mindset from one of being rushed, to one of being able to drive safely and slowly, unwind, and breathe before getting there. It’s also supposed to help in not swearing.

  • Everything on my To-Do list.


I have my day scheduled, my to-do list ready, and am on track to get some work done. 

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