Monday, June 8, 2009

Position review

GLW - Hold. Tightening up its consolidation (hopefully). I'm prepared to hold this longer-term. Box forward goes down 10% to about 14.20, and up to about 16.05. A break above 16.05 is long-term goal.

LDK - Hold. Broke out of a 5 week triangle, and holds its pattern.

TEN - Hold. Still holding breakout pattern fine.

TRID - Sloppy consolidation, but is up big after-hours (6% or so.. not that big). Hold at least to 2.25 (supply)

XTXI - Performing well, but not perfectly. Still holding the breakout, so its a hold. 

Potential buys: BIOS and COMS. Each are showing tight consolidation on flag formations.

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